Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
Ph.D. Education Capella University 2007
M.S. Education California Baptist University 1999
B.S. Liberal Studies California Baptist University 1998

•Elementary Algebra
•Intermediate Algebra
•College Algebra
•Math for Liberal Arts
•Curriculum and Instruction: Subject Area Specialization for Single Subject Credential
•Child Development Courses
•Secondary Methods for Single Subject Credential
•Curriculum and Instruction - Master's Level
•Theory of Teaching and Learning
•Models of Teaching

California Credential in Mathematics
Research in Math Anxiety

Professor Morris has taught:

•Pre-school for 6 years
•Elementary for 1.5 years
•Junior/Senior High School for 9 years
•College-level for 13 years

Magnolia Avenue Baptist Church

•Mentor programs at North High School
•Inservice workshops for private education

I love spending time with my family, going to Disneyland, and relaxing in my pool.

In the words of Galileo, "Mathematics is the language by which God has written the universe."